
For this project, we will be working in groups of 4. The members are JiaLe, WeiErn, Fraser, Diyana

We wanted to create a RGB lamp that can change color everytime the button is pressed. The colors are red, green, blue, violet, yellow, light blue, and white.

Diyana will be doing on the 3D printing part

Weiern did the soldering parts

Fraser made the video and poster

I did the electronic coding part for the RGB lamp

In addition, Wei Ern and I did the laser cutting parts together.

I learn the coding from Arduino Project Hub. Improvising from the code, I added more color code.

For reference, you can visit the site. RGB reference

You can also visit my thinkercad account to see what changes I have made. My Version of RGB lamp.

Image of 3D printed Part.

3D print part

Laser Cut Box

Laser Cut part

Laser Cut Parts

Laser Cut Pic

Final Project Outcome

Final Pic

